Working towards waste free events at Freshwater Creek Steiner School.

Respect and reverence for the natural world is a fundamental principle of Steiner education and is modelled in the we live our daily lives. As a ResourceSmart School our aim to be leaders in our community regarding our sustainability practices and continue to influence changing waste management behaviour. 

With that in mind it was important to the school community that we aim towards as little waste as possible for our Spring Festival. To achieve this the school community engaged the support of Jess Hobbs from Waste Free Events. 

Our Class 4 students invited Jess along to the school and interviewed Jess, asking a range of questions about planning and implementing a waste free event. Students then created posters to communicate our waste free event and what families will need to bring along for the event to be successful. 

The landfill collected was a tiny amount, as shown in the photo with Mandy holding up the bag!

We had several recycling streams including cans/aluminium, soft plastics and paper/cardboard. 

We had reusable items available, thanks to B-Alternative and a wash station, manned by volunteers. 

We are very proud of our efforts as a school and a community. And we hope others can also work towards waste free events.

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