More trees for a cooler greener west:
Choosing a planting day

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the next best time is now*!"

* After you have prepared your site

So when to plant?

We are as excited as you to get the trees in, but it is essential that you have prepared your site beforehand.

So when is the best time to plant?

  • Any time between July - October 2023

Things to consider:

  • It’s helpful to have have extra parents, community members, or volunteers around to assist

  • It’s great to connect with a local high school and ask if any students are able to help you plant (if you’re a primary school)

  • A whole-school planting day, or whole-year-level, class-by-class planting day generally works best. This can mean that, though the planting day goes all day, one or two classes will be planting at a time (depending on your volunteer load).

If you need help planning your planting day, get in touch.

This project is supported by the Victorian government through the More trees for a cooler greener west” program.

Helping schools prepare for Climate Change through increasing urban tree cover.

Learn more here.